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  • The Importance of a Basement Inspection in Brooklyn

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A clean basement with a staircase and red walls.

    A home inspection is something that you should not neglect. It is recommended in many situations, especially when moving into a new house. But, an occasional inspection of your current home in Brooklyn is something you should also keep in mind. Arguably the most crucial part of a home inspection is inspecting the basement. Some of the worst issues that the foundation of your house can encounter will probably be visible in the basement, which is why you need to keep an eye on it more often than not. In this article, our House Pro Home Inspection team will show you the importance of a basement inspection in Brooklyn and the biggest problems that can occur if the basement is not checked upon regularly.

    The most common problems that a basement inspection can identify
    Most people don't realize all of the issues that can come from the basement of their homes. Only when you hear all the problems that a basement inspection can identify you'll be able to understand their importance. Your Brooklyn home might be in danger without you even knowing it. So, we'll look at the most severe issues that home inspection can uncover. And, as soon you find a home inspector you can trust, we highly recommend that you arrange an inspection. Additionally, home inspections are a must when you plan to buy or sell real estate.

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  • Reasons to Get a Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a New Home

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A handyman jumping happily in front of a house

    Deciding to buy a new home is a big step both financially and in life. That's already reason enough to be one hundred percent sure you are making the right purchase when buying a new home. An important part of this is getting a home inspection before buying. There is a multitude of home inspections that can and should be done when buying a new home. But, if you're not willing to spend money on all of them, you should at least do a plumbing inspection. If you aren't sure why of all possible inspections this one is important, we have compiled a list of all the reasons to get a plumbing inspection before buying a new home. Hopefully, this article will allow you to better understand why plumbing inspections are important and what all the problems that improper plumbing can cause are.

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  • Early Warning Signs of Termites in Your NYC Home

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    Early Warning Signs of Termites in Your NYC Home

    In the United States alone, termites yearly infest more than six hundred thousand homes and cause costs in damages and eradication measures of more than five billion dollars. Those are some serious numbers for such a tiny little creature. But don't let that miniature appearance fool you. Though people are not on their menu, the structural integrity of your home is. So if you have any doubts about whether you share your home with them, you should prioritize getting your home inspected. We'll try to address the "ants" in the room through the following steps and teach you how to spot the early warning signs of termites in your NYC home before they cause any significant damage to your home.

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  • The Most Common Plumbing Issues in NYC Homes

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    The Most Common Plumbing Issues in NYC Homes

    Forewarned is forearmed, and knowing how to handle your plumbing is one of the topics you want to learn about well before purchasing a home of your own. To ensure you understand what is waiting for you, here are the most common plumbing issues in NYC homes!

    Issues with water pressure

    One of the prevalent plumbing issues in NYC is low water pressure. Frankly, it is impossible to list all the things that cause this. It can be a problem with your fixtures, pipes, or even valves. Ironically, most New York residents seem content to ignore this problem from home purchase to sale. This means it often gets passed on to the next owner with no one doing anything to fix things simply because of how common bad water pressure is in New York City.

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  • How to Create a Maintenance Schedule for Your Home

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    planner to create a maintenance schedule for your home

    Taking care of a household is often overwhelming, even if more than one person is involved. There’s a lot to do, so it’s essential to be organized in managing all the tasks. New homeowners are often puzzled about everything it takes to run a tidy, healthy, and debt-free home. This often results in additional problems that cause budget loss or lead to a house in poor condition. And an unmaintained house loses its precious value once you put it on the market. That’s why it’s essential to have a schedule from the moment you move in, even if you don’t plan on selling soon. If you want to prevent problems and get your home in order, this guide is for you. Here’s how to create a maintenance schedule for your home and avoid unnecessary issues and costs.

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  • Signs Your Brooklyn Home Needs Electrical Work

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    Tools that can help you detect signs your Brooklyn home needs electrical work

    Out of all the potential problems that can develop in your home, electricity-related are among the most dangerous. They can easily lead to life-threatening situations. This is why it is so important to be aware of the potential signs your Brooklyn home needs electrical work.

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  • What Home Inspectors Look For in a Kitchen

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A modern, contemporary kitchen setting.

    There's no need to emphasize that a home inspection is one of the most critical steps in buying or selling a home. It is absolutely necessary, and it will help both sides of the transaction (one more than the other) negotiate the best price. So, what room will home inspectors give the most attention to? One might guess the kitchen, and they would be pretty close to the truth. In this article, you'll find out what home inspectors look for in a kitchen! 

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  • Expensive Fixes a Home Inspection Can Uncover

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A home inspector

    Has the time finally come to start looking for a new (dream) home? If it has, well, congratulations are in order! But, before you close the deal and before you open that bottle of champagne to celebrate, be sure to have your new home thoroughly inspected. A professional and trained eye will be able to spot all the defects that the current owners are trying to hide - flaws that may end up costing you an arm and a leg. Believe it or not, a home inspection can reveal fixes that cost up to $20,000. And, that will be our topic of the day - expensive fixes a home inspection can uncover. So, if you want to save your money, and if you want to save the time and energy that you would otherwise spend on fixing the home you bought, keep on reading.

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  • Main differences between condo and house inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A condo building

    If you are going house hunting, you will inevitably need to do a home inspection. However, even if you think you are knowledgeable about it, there are differences between what you need to look out for in a condo and an actual house. To help you learn more about the subject, we have prepared a guide on the main differences between condo and house inspection.

    House inspections
    A house inspection takes longer
    The question of how long a home inspection takes is a complex one. However, it is without a doubt true that a house inspection takes a much longer time than a condo inspection, especially if you want it to be particularly thorough. This is because a house inspection simply has far too many intricacies that need attention. On the other hand, a condo inspection is much easier to complete due to the limited space a condo covers. You can be as thorough as you like, but there is still not much to see or scrutinize.

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  • Guide To Different Types Of Home Inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A top-down view of a neighborhood block.

    If this is the first time you're putting your home on the market, there's a chance you're not familiar with different types of home inspection. Also, the odds are that you might not know what home inspection actually stands for. Let's say you've got a picture of what it can be, and you know inspection's an integral part of the selling/buying process. So, what's the deal with the whole home inspection business, and what are the different types of it? Continue reading to find out!

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  • Who Pays for Repairs After a Home Inspection?

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A person counting cash after agreeing on who pays for repairs after a home inspection

    Everyone knows that a home inspection is an integral part of the sale. However, what leaves many people stumped is the following question: Who pays for repairs after a home inspection? Well, the answer is somewhat complicated, but you can read on and find out!

    Repairs considered obligatory
    Now, when asking who pays for repairs after a home inspection, we should preface the discussion with a disclaimer that there are no ‘true’ obligatory repairs. A seller can freely market their home as a ‘fixer-upper’, which would effectively mean washing their hands of repairs and improvements. Similarly, you can negotiate to have the seller do repairs outside the scope of what would typically fall on their shoulders. However, there is a list of repairs that are typically considered something a seller must go through with if they want to secure a sale in a timely fashion. In some states, it is even a legal obligation for sellers to remove anything that could pose a severe threat to the health and safety of the new owners.

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  • How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    Planning a home inspection

    A home inspection is a crucial part of the home selling or buying process. To best plan for eventualities, you need to know how quickly you can get it done. If a sale falls through because you couldn't finish an inspection on time, everyone would be left feeling unsatisfied. So, how long does a home inspection take? While the answer is complex, we will try to cover all aspects that affect it.

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  • What buyers need to know about condo inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A beautiful condo building

    Purchasing a condo is not something you should rush. One of the most critical parts of the process is ensuring that the apartment is in good condition! You do not want to make a purchase only to have to fix a whole host of things before you can live your life in your new home properly. To this end, we will be explaining what buyers need to know about condo inspection!

    What does the condo inspection cover?

    There are generally two types of condo inspections. One is more common, and it is the one where only the unit you are interested in is inspected. There is a good reason why most people opt for this option. It is much cheaper, and since you will only be living in one unit, it is perfectly acceptable. The condition of the rest of the building has very little to do with you unless you have a top-floor condo. In this case, you need to know about the condition of the roof. This is where the second type of inspection comes in. It also includes the interior area of the condo you are interested in, but it also consists of outdoor home inspection elements that might be important for you.

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  • Outdoor home inspection - what does it include?

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    An old and derelict house

    When talking about a home inspection, many people imagine a person walking in and wandering in the house in search of problems. They tend to forget that there is just as much to check outside a home as there is inside. Which, of course, leads us to the question: What does an outdoor home inspection include? Well, we are here to reveal to you the many problems and issues that you can encounter during such an endeavor!

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  • Buying Your First Home: Invest in a Fixer-Upper

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    Buying Your First Home Invest in a Fixer-Upper

    The process of buying your first home or investment property can be difficult to navigate. A fixer-upper is an excellent way to break into the market. With a little guidance and a bit of research, you can make the venture easier. House Pro Home Inspections offers these tips to help you get started.

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  • 7 traits of a trustworthy home inspection company

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A laptop, phone, notebook, and pen on a table

    When searching for the right home, no challenge is as nerve-wracking or as much of a potential deal-breaker as a house inspection. However, you need an inspection company you can rely on to ensure that you have received all the pertinent knowledge! If there’s no trust between you and those doing the inspection for you, then you can never fully be confident in the information they have offered you. To ensure their trustworthiness, you will have to put in some work! You will need to ask them for references to old customers and then reach out to those people. However, we can help you by providing you with info on what you should be asking them about! Here are the 7 traits of a trustworthy home inspection company so that you can find the best partners possible for your house-searching efforts.

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  • What to Know About Waiving a Home Inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A person looking for a written offer with a real estate agent next to them.

    For most people, buying a home is the most significant investment of their lives. Not only will it cost a fortune, but they will also live in it. Therefore, their home will impact their health (both mental and physical), their everyday lives, and their relationships. So, is there any situation where waiving a home inspection before buying a home is a good idea? Well, that is what we will take a look at in this article.

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  • Understanding Home Inspections: What You’ll Need and How to Get Started

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    Article Written By:  Danielle Kiser

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  • A Home Inspection Checklist Before Moving into A New Home

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A magnifying glass and a tiny home

    The last step before purchasing a house – a home inspection. It’s the last opportunity to check if there are any problems with the home before making it your own. However, many people underestimate the importance of this step. The reason is that buyers are often not informed about the whole process and how they should properly inspect the desired property. In this guide, we’ll present a home inspection checklist before moving into a new home. This checklist will help you understand the main things every inspector should examine and how to handle problems that may come to light.

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  • 6 Common Things that Fail a Home Inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A house about to face inspection

    When they plan to sell their home, most homeowners focus on prettying it up and making it as presentable as possible. It will likely help if you are dealing only with a real estate agent or the buyer since they are not really equipped to properly assess the state of the property. However, as soon as a house inspection is requested, such behavior can lead to serious problems! If you fail during a home inspection, you would have to delay the sale of your property or even be unable to sell it at all. So, it is essential to know what things might fail you and prepare appropriately by fixing the issues the best you can ahead of time. We have prepared a guide to the 6 common things that fail a home inspection to help you do just that.

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