Offering Civil Servant's Discount on Home Inspection Services

  • Why Pre-Listing Inspections Benefit Home Sellers

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A woman inviting a man in blue clothes into her house since she knows that inspections benefit home sellers

    Embarking on the journey of selling a home is akin to navigating a vast, intricate labyrinth. Each turn presents its challenges and rewards. Among the myriad steps involved, one stands out for its profound impact: the pre-listing inspection. But why is this particular step so pivotal? What makes it a cornerstone in the home-selling process? How do inspections benefit home sellers in tangible, meaningful ways? Join us as we unravel these questions, shedding light on the significance of this crucial step.

    What is a Pre-Listing Inspection?

    In essence, a pre-listing inspection is an exhaustive, detailed examination of a property before it's introduced to the eager eyes of potential buyers. It's distinct from a buyer's inspection, a subsequent step that occurs once an offer is on the table. The pre-listing inspection is about laying the groundwork, ensuring that as a seller, you're not just stepping into the market but doing so with a clear vision, armed with knowledge and foresight.

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  • What Seniors Should Look for During Home Inspections

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    An inspector and a client who know what seniors should look for during home inspections

    If you want to spend your days in comfort, you need the right home! So, let’s go over what seniors should look for during home inspections to make this possible. Safety and accessibility Safety and accessibility features are among the chief things seniors should look for during home inspections. Ramps and staircases should be sturdy and slip-resistant to prevent accidents. Adequate lighting ensures visibility in all areas, reducing the risk of falls. Grab bars and handrails, strategically placed, provide valuable support. However, even if these aspects seem sound, it's essential to remember that safety can be compromised in hidden ways. So, it's…

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  • Green Home Inspections: Assessing Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    a chart representing green home inspections next to a 3D house model

    In today's eco-conscious world, green home inspections are more than a trend. They're a necessity. These inspections ensure homes are both energy-efficient and sustainable, paving the way for a greener future. As we continue to face environmental challenges, understanding the intricacies of these inspections becomes even more vital.

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  • Key Differences in Inspecting Historic Homes and Modern Properties

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    A home inspector inspecting a modern property

    Purchasing a home is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Whether you are mesmerized by the charm and character of a centuries-old historic house or prefer the sleek, efficient designs of a modern property, it's essential to know what you're buying. The key to unlocking this knowledge is thoroughly inspecting historic homes and modern properties. This process provides a comprehensive view of the home’s current condition and alerts you to potential issues that might need fixing. A home inspection serves as a virtual roadmap, guiding you through the property and equipping you with essential details that can inform your…

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  • Homeowner's Guide to Exterior Wall Maintenance

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    a traditional white house with a red roof and great exterior wall maintenance

    Your home's exterior walls play a crucial role in protecting your property and ensuring the safety and comfort of your family. Regular maintenance of these walls is essential to preserve their integrity and prevent costly repairs down the line. In this homeowner's guide, we will explore the importance of exterior wall maintenance, discuss common signs of damage, provide practical maintenance practices, offer tips for dealing with specific issues, and highlight the benefits of professional help and long-term preservation strategies.

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  • Everything You Need to Know About Waiving a Home Inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A huge house with white and light blue walls, black windows, and a light brown roof.

    The inspection condition is a regular inclusion in offers to buy real estate. The inspection contingency allows you to back out if your house inspection reveals issues that will kill the purchase. You can also get your offer deposit back by doing this. In other words, before you sign a Purchase and Sales Agreement and are compelled to put a sizeable down payment on the line, the inspection contingency offers you the time and chance to confirm the condition of the home or condo.

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  • How to Find the Best Rental Home for Your Budget

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    A white and red apartment complex

    Finding the best rental home for your budget can be a difficult task. There is a lot to consider, and it can be a lengthy process. You have to find a home that will offer you a comfortable life while not taking away 90% of your paycheck every month. Luckily, there are several things you can do and techniques you can employ to help you achieve this goal. Let’s go through a list of some of the most crucial steps you can take. That way, you can go into this process with all the necessary information and confidence.

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  • 7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Home Inspection

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    man inspecting a door frame


    When selling your home, you want to ensure it’s in its best shape. After all, buyers will often ignore homes that need repairs after they move in. A home inspection is an ideal choice, as it can highlight the problems that need fixing. However, there are also things you can do to make sure the inspection goes as smoothly as possible. To help you with this, we put together a list of 7 tips to get the most out of your home inspection, and we hope you find it helpful.

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  • The Importance of an HVAC Inspection When Buying a Home

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    An air conditioner near a wall.

    Buying a home in these uncertain times is challenging, and there are many factors to think about and be aware of to minimize financial risk. It's important to know how well the building's mechanical systems are maintained and operated before purchasing a home in New York City. Avoiding the time and expense of an HVAC inspection in the interest of a speedy offer acceptance and sale should be avoided at all costs, but such an approach might backfire in a major way if you aren't careful. Here, we'll go through the importance of getting an HVAC inspection when buying a home and offer some guidance to help you feel secure at your property.

    What exactly is an HVAC system inspection? 

    An HVAC inspector checks a home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system carefully and in-depth. You may contact a professional HVAC specialist to inspect the system before closing on a house. Age, cleanliness, operation, and safety are examined in the home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems by the expert. A technician checks the thermostat and electrical connections and changes filters. 

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  • Damage During a Home Inspection - Things to Know

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    A modern living room.

    Buying a home is a very thrilling time in one's life. There's also the possibility of anxiety, especially concerning home inspections. You should never purchase without first having a home inspected, as this is sometimes the only way to discover problems with the house that are not visible to the naked eye.

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  • Early Signs of Termite Damage to Look For

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    A bunch of termites in the ground.

    If you've read the novel Full of Life by John Fante, you're well aware that a termite infestation isn't a good thing as it can summon your drunken parent to help you battle it. Therefore, one needs to pay some good attention to the early signs of termite damage so they can react as soon as possible. Here's some bad news: termites can live inside your place (or on your property) for a long time before you even detect them being there. It doesn't matter whether we're talking about dry wood or subterranean termites; they're tough to discover. In order to minimize the damage termites can "produce", it's imperative to notice the warning signs we'll show you below ASAP. Therefore, stay tuned for some useful information!

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  • How to Prepare Your Outdoor Living Space for Spring

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    an outdoor garden

    Our favorite season is here. Enjoying the outdoors can be more than just for summer. Spring is a great time to clean up your patio and yard so you can spend more time outside this year. Here's how you can prepare your outdoor living space for spring.

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  • Essential Fire Safety Tips for Brooklyn Homeowners

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    close-up of fire extinguisher

    Fire safety is one of the things every homeowner should take very seriously, especially in NYC. House fires are hazardous and lead to a lot of expensive damage. So, taking precautions to protect your home from fires is incredibly important overall. That includes the prevention of fires and a way to warn you if a fire somehow starts. And remember, when it comes to fire safety, you can’t ever be too safe. Making sure your home is safe should always be a top priority, and having an escape plan is vital. So, to help you make your home as safe as possible, we’ve put together a list of essential fire safety tips for Brooklyn homeowners, and we hope you find it helpful.

    Install smoke alarms and make sure they work

    The first on the list of essential fire safety tips for Brooklyn homeowners is to install smoke alarms. Not only are smoke detectors one of the best ways to warn you of a house fire, but you are also legally required to have at least one per story for your home to be up to code. Of course, you should regularly ensure they’re functional besides just installing them. Smoke detectors can malfunction and run out of batteries; you should keep an eye out for this. Remember, you should never take chances with fire safety, and working smoke alarms are legally required anyway. Creating a maintenance schedule that includes checking your smoke alarms is a good idea. Since they’re one of the best ways to warn you of a house fire, it’s in your best interest to ensure your smoke detectors are always functional, so take care.

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  • Season’s Greetings from House Pro Home Inspection Inc.

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    House Pro Home Inspection Inc. team wishes you a very Merry Christmas, a joyous holiday season, and a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year 2023!

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  • Can You Live in the House During a Foundation Repair

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A large house with solid and well-maintained foundations.

    Your home endures much throughout the years. With constant exposure to natural elements, something is bound to give in over the years. The foundation inspection is one of the essential elements of a home inspection. A house inspector can help discover your house's hidden problems and let you know what needs fixing. Bad weather conditions are some of the leading causes of house damage. Earthquakes and soft soil, in particular, can cause major foundation damage. A damaged foundation is one of the biggest safety hazards of any home and should be fixed as soon as possible. However, can you live in the house during a foundation repair?

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  • Seller's Guide to Handling Bad Home Inspection Results

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    Stamp that says fail

    As a seller, the list of things you have to do can get very long. Preparing to sell your home is a complex process that involves many steps. You have to select the right real estate agent, prepare for showings, hire home stagers, and finish a lot of paperwork. And to add to all of that, there are many obstacles you have to overcome. One of the most common obstacles most sellers face is handling bad home inspection results.
    The most important thing to remember when you get a negative home inspection is not to panic. There are many options for what you can do to handle this situation. If you remain calm and carefully plan your next steps, this problem can be dealt with efficiently.

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  • Reasons to Insulate Your Home Before Winter

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    Person insulating the wall.

    Most duties related to house care take place during specific times of the year, such as cleaning the gutters before spring or painting the interior before winter. In addition, most individuals don't consider the matter much until something goes wrong, such as when the roof leaks while it is raining. Are you aware that proper insulation in your home is essential not just in the winter but also in the summer? Insulation has a dual purpose: in the winter, it prevents unwanted heat gain; in the summer, it prevents unwelcome cold air from entering the building. In this blog, we will be going over the reasons to insulate your home before winter.

    It's an effective method for saving money.

    If you insulate your home, you'll spend less money and have fewer resources needed to keep it at a comfortable temperature throughout the year. Insulation helps reduce the amount of money spent on heating and cooling by ensuring that the temperature within the house remains stable throughout. Besides insulation, there are other things on the winter home maintenance checklist. If you properly insulate your home, you could save up to 60% on your monthly energy bill. The typical payback period for energy initiatives is less than five years.

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  • How to Improve Ventilation in Your Home

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    Rows of open windows

    Living in a stuffy, poorly ventilated home is not a fun experience, especially if you have allergies to certain irritants or dust! Having to dread coming back home every day is not something anyone should do. However, so long as you learn how to improve ventilation in your home, you can improve your situation! Open up your home Now, there are two steps to this particular piece of advice on how to improve ventilation in your home. The first and easiest is to take advantage of the natural ventilation that your home affords you when you open up all your windows and…

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  • What is Not Included in a Home Inspection?

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    A home inspector holding a home inspection checklist

    Scheduling a home inspection before buying a property is always a smart thing to do. If you detect some problems with the foundation on time, you’ll be able to get the best deal possible. Either the current owner will fix the issues, or the price will be reduced. Or, in the worst-case scenario, if the house is in terrible condition, you’ll stay away from buying it. But, although a home inspection is essential before purchasing a house, people seem to forget that it can’t uncover all the issues the property may face. Of course, that is not the reason to avoid it. It’s just important to be aware of things that are not included in a home inspection, and that’s what we at House Pro Home Inspections will help you with.

    Home inspectors won’t inspect the condition behind the walls
    When you’re hiring a home inspector, the inspection process itself is pretty much visual. To assess the conditions behind the walls, you need a drill and a lot of physical activity. You shouldn’t expect home inspectors to do that because they won’t. And, it’s worth noting that the average home inspection lasts around 2 hours, so there’s simply no time for checking anything in too much detail. Of course, when you find a trustworthy home inspection company, they’ll do a great job. But don’t raise your expectations too high because home inspectors can only do so much as check the overall condition of your home.

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  • What to Expect from a Balcony Inspection

    House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

    Modern building with hanging balconies

    When considering selling a home, you must be ready for a complete home inspection. And while most home inspection details are readily available, many people forget about their balconies. Knowing what to expect from a balcony inspection can help you avoid serious issues when this happens. On the flip side, when considering buying a home, you should ensure that everything in the house is safe. This, of course, includes the balcony, and you should know what the inspector will look for. Avoiding problems with the balcony inspections mainly means removing the issues on time, which is essential in any case if you care about your home's safety.

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