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How to spot signs of termites in your home

House Pro Home Inspection Inc.   |  

wood ceiling

Once you become a homeowner, you become responsible for keeping your property in good condition. There are many potential threats to your property, and that is why it is good to have insurance and regular home inspections. But, what about damages that insurance doesn't cover, like termite damage? Early intervention is critical, as not knowing how to spot signs of termites in your home can be a devastating mistake on your behalf. Think of that responsibility that you as a homeowner have. Take some time and learn about these pests that cause enormous damage to US homes all year round. If you know what to look for, you will be more likely to notice and stop a termite infestation before it is too late. At least you will be able to reduce the reparation costs if they have already done some damage. So, what are common signs of termites in your home?

There is a long list of signs that you have termites in your home

Most of the time, homeowners realize that they have termites when it is already too late. If that happens, it can take a significant toll on your finances. It is then better to be prepared and learn about common signs that signal a termite infestation. The list of signals is a long one, but still, people tend to overlook it and find out the hard way. An excellent proactive measure towards being safe from termites is having a certified home inspector look at your property every few years. The rest of the time, you keep your eyes open. Common evidence that indicates termites is:

  • Hollow sounding wood
  • Squeaky floors
  • Damaged drywall
  • Peeling paint
  • Termite droppings
  • Discarded termite wings
Hollow-sounding wood is a sign of termites in your home

Because termites are pests that consume wood from the inside out, people usually don't realize anything is happening. When they feed on the wood, it leaves a hallowed piece of timber that has a unique sound when tapped on. You probably already know the sound of tapping on something eaten inside. If you notice this in your home, it can be a sign of termite infestation. No matter if the wooden structures are on the ground, floor, or higher places like beams or ceilings, termites can get to it. A termite home inspector will also go around your house and tap on your wooden structures to see if there is something hidden beneath.

dining room with wooden beams

You can find termites even in wooden structures like beams, positioned higher

Squeaky floors can mean a few things, and one is that you are dealing with termites

Termites may live under your floors and consume your wooden flooring. If you notice your floors make a sort of squeaky sound or appear flexible, you should check underneath. You might be surprised to find out that termites have caused damage to your floorboards. Damage to the floor is perhaps the easiest to spot, as it is visible to homeowners. If the damage is not significant, a professional can repair the floors or replace some boards. Total damage to support structures can even cause floors to collapse under heavy furniture. Repairing this kind of damage can be costly and very complicated.

wooden floor without signs of termites

It is very common to find termites underneath wood flooring

Termites also damage drywall

Many people use drywall for their walls and ceilings and don't know that termites can cause damage to it. Termites love cellulose, which drywall has in its composition. That is why they can attack your ceilings as well as your wooden floors. Like with wood, these pests consume the drywall from the inside. They only leave a thin layer of the wall and perhaps little holes or tiny tunnels you can see. If you spot such small signs on your walls, quickly schedule a home inspection and wait for what the termite inspector will say. Hopefully, the damage will not be significant, and you can repair or replace parts of your drywall easily.

If you spot peeling paint, suspect a termite infestation

Usually, when we see bubbles on our paint or walls slowly peeling, we immediately think of water damage. It would not be a mistake to call your home inspector to look for possible water leakage. Nonetheless, there are other reasons why you might find peels of paint here and there. Because termites like moisture, painted walls can start to peel. The good news is that peeling is a very early sign of possible termite infestation. So, if you have noticed this and ruled out water leaks, you have enough time to call pest control and resolve the issue promptly.

peeling green paint

Peeling paint can be a clear sign of termites in your home

Finding termite droppings can mean only one thing

Among the signs of termites in your home, the most obvious one is finding termite droppings. If you happen to come across this unusual termite byproduct, you can be sure to have an infestation going on. If you are still unsure about what you have found, look online and confirm your finding before calling termite control. The inspector will schedule an inspection and propose a treatment plan based on your situation. You will probably have to leave your home and transition to a hotel or a friend's house. Having a safe unit may come in handy in these situations, where you should have your belongings in a secure place.

When you find discarded termite wings, you can be sure to have termites

If you happen to find termite wings near your windows or doors, it can only mean that you are in the middle of an infestation. When these pests swarm from their nest to find a new place to live, they discard their wings. Both female and male termites do this before forming a new colony at your home. You can spot these wings near access points to your home. Be sure to call a professional to inspect your house and look for other signs of infestation.

Unfortunately, some signs of termites are not so easily noticeable, and you need a trained termite inspector to assess the situation.

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