Common problems found during a home inspection
In the ideal world, every homeowner would keep their home in the best possible condition. They would regularly check their utilities and deal with infrastructure damage properly. But, unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world. People will usually only repair their homes as long as it is financially beneficial for them. Furthermore, they can have a strong incentive to simply hide the damages, as doing so is always a cheaper option. So, before buying a house, we suggest that you first hire an inspector. And after that, you should learn about all the common problems found during a home inspection.
Usual problems found during a home inspection
So, which problems do inspectors usually run into? Well, according to our inspectors, there are some issues that they see again and again. The biggest contributor to this is that the homeowners either don't notice the problem or don't want to admit that there is one. This only worsens the problems as they become more and more serious and expensive to deal with.
Damaged plumbing
There is hardly a home older than 10 years that doesn't have some issue with its plumbing. Most of these issues are small and can be fixed with a simple intervention. But, some of them can be quite substantial and are simply a disaster waiting to happen. The main problem here is that homeowners usually only fix their plumbing once there is an obvious problem. And they don't think that leaky pipes is something worth calling a plumber for. These small problems gradually become worse and worse without the homeowner realizing it. And, once the inspector comes to check the plumbing and the sewer, the cost of fixing the issues is no longer worth the money.
Plumbing issues are easy to fix, but only if caught early.
This is why one of the most common problems found during a home inspection is an issue with the plumbing. And, why, if you do not check for it, you will have to spend a fortune fixing it.
Mold damage
Speaking of water issues, we also need to address mold. The reasons why mold is one of the most common problems found during a home inspection are pretty similar to plumbing. The biggest one being that mold is, in most cases, quite slowly advancing. So slow in fact that most people don't pay a bit of attention to it. And, once a home inspector stops by and points to it, they are quite surprised at how much of it is there. Remember, depending on how damp the area was, mold can easily seep into the walls and become impossible to remove. And if you combine a damp room with plumbing issues, you will easily see that a lot of homes have mold present.
Faulty wiring
Since our technology has advanced so far, wiring that is 30 something years old simply cannot sustain a modern home. Not to mention that faulty wiring is a known fire hazard, which is why insurance companies won't insure a home unless they are sure that the wiring is tip top. But, the problem still persists that our home inspectors regularly find faulty wiring within homes. Fixing the wiring for an entire home can be terribly expensive which is why most homeowners opt to patch it up. This leads to weak spots that usually become a hazard after a couple of years of usage.
Faulty wiring is among the more common problems found during a home inspection.
Infrastructure issues
Last, but not least, we have infrastructure issues. These are usually dealt with by the owner as they are easy to hide and the cost of fixing them increases exponentially as time goes by. But, never the less, they are still some of the most common problems found during a home inspection, as homeowners are usually reluctant to deal with them. Among the problems you can find:
- Roof damage - Improper installation, potential damages, leaky spots... All of them happen quite often, especially if the owner doesn't do regular check-ups.
- Issues with windows and doors - Even though fixing windows and doors is relatively cheap, it is still quite important to check them. This is because they can show signs of how the house is settling and whether there is any slanting. If there is, the first place you will notice is with the doors.
- Floor damage - Floors are notorious for having hidden damage. The owner can simply place a rug or a piece of furniture over the damage and hope that the inspector won't bother to look. Luckily, experienced inspectors are well aware of this.
Moving into a new home
Once you overview the results of the home inspection and you decide that the house is right for you, the time will come to move in. Now, there are still many steps you need to take in order to successfully move into a new home. But, we would just like to remind you that moving house is simple with adequate assistance. So, don't shy away from calling professionals to help you out.
The best way to deal with any relocation is to start preparing as soon as possible and find good movers to help you out. That way you will avoid numerous rookie mistakes.
Paying attention to your new home
As you might have noticed, the biggest cause of damage to a home is the inattentiveness of the homeowner. So, we would like to advise you to pay extra attention to your new home once you start living in it. Make sure to check your plumbing, wiring, and roof at least once every two months. That way you will be able to catch any damage in its infancy and deal with it for a substantially lower cost. And, if after a couple of years you wish to sell your home, doing so will be much more budget-friendly since there will be no major repairs to deal with.
Author bio:
Max Covington has worked for years as a realtor, This gave him the necessary experience to help people with both real estate issues and relocation. He now works with in order to give helpful advice for people dealing with moving and real estate.